Cistus is a genus of beautiful flowering plants that are native to Mediterranean regions of Southern Europe and North Africa. Commonly referred to as Rockroses, flowers in the Cistus genus bloom in lovely colors ranging from pure white to bright pink. Just looking at one of these plants, one would not suspect that it possesses very powerful medicinal properties. In traditional herbal medicine, the leaves of Cistus have been used in the treatment of skin and inflammatory diseases (source). Recent scientific research has confirmed the validity of this traditional herbal knowledge through studies that have demonstrated that Cistus leaf extracts have powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and biofilm-breaking qualities (source).
Read on to find out why I am such a huge fan of this beautiful little plant!
Read on to find out why I am such a huge fan of this beautiful little plant!
- Cistus Incanus can knock out colds and flu without toxic side effects or pathogen resistance (source)
Leery about getting the flu shot? Not only do studies show Cistus Incanus has strong antiviral properties, a 2009 study showed it also has strong antibacterial properties by knocking out upper respiratory infections caused by the common cold bacteria and Streptococcus.
Cistus Incanus has demonstrated the following therapeutic properties:
- Antiviral activity against the Influenza A virus (source)
- An ability to prevent both the Ebola virus and HIV (source)
- Inhibits the growth of viruses like herpes and zoster (source)
- May be a great treatment option for viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract, such as rhinoviruses (source)
- Antibacterial effects against Streptococcus mucans, a bacterium found in the mouth that can contribute to tooth decay (source)
- Cistus Incanus is a strong antifungal. Many Lyme patients know that mycotoxins from mold spores can wreak havoc on Lyme treatment, and overgrowth of Candida Albicans, an intestinal fungus that tends to appear in the presence of antibiotics can cause thrush, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and an array of intestinal issues. The good news is, daily ingesting of Cistus Incanus goes a long way to reduce the presence all of these toxic fungal strains (source).
- Promotes cardiovascular health (source)
- Cistus Incanus has been proven to be a powerful biofilm-breaker while restoring a healthy microbial balance in the human body.
Biofilm is a slimy layer of bacteria that can form on bodily surfaces, may be a major contributor to the development and persistence of chronic disease because it allows bacteria to evade antibiotics. - Decreases adherence of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth (source)
- Shown superiority in selectively breaking pathogenic biofilms, possessing potent anti-retroviral, anti-lyme and anti-microbial properties (source).
- Cistus Incanus has been proven to be a powerful biofilm-breaker while restoring a healthy microbial balance in the human body.
- Cistus Incanus can reduce inflammation while also inhibiting the production of cytokine enzymes that cause inflammatory response and the horrible feeling you get during Lyme symptom spikes or treatment (source).\
We have blended a powerful extract of wild-crafted cistus incanus with anti-microbial terpenes geraniol and beta caryophyllene along with full spectrum hemp, which can be used to fight bacteria, yeast, viruses, and fungi.
Start using Luvitol Microbial Defense today!